The Flatiron Building in Manhattan Set to Become Luxury Condominiums

The iconic Flatiron Building in Manhattan, known for its distinctive triangular shape, is undergoing a transformation. Plans have been officially submitted to convert the outdated office building into 60 high-end condominium units. The proposal, filed by developers the Brodsky Organization, GFP Real Estate, and the Sorgente Group, aims to breathe new life into this celebrated landmark.

Rumors of the building’s conversion into residential units have been circulating since 2023. The developers’ private application for the transformation of 175 Fifth Ave. was made public recently, and city planning records confirm the submission. The renowned British book publisher Macmillan, the most recent tenant of the Flatiron Building, left the premises in 2019, leaving the building largely vacant.

The developers envision a project that includes 60 luxury units and ground-floor retail space. The unique floor plates of the building will allow for generously sized apartments compared to other converted office spaces. Although specific details of the units and amenities are yet to be disclosed, the developers are committed to delivering an upscale living experience.

Before the project can proceed, it must undergo an extensive review process and subsequent construction. However, the developers are hopeful to obtain city approval by the end of this year, with residents moving in by the end of 2026. The application also mentions potential apartment sizes, suggesting that the 21-story building could accommodate around 100 units with an average size of 1,998 square feet.

While the exterior of the Flatiron Building will undergo some minor changes, including new windows, the Landmarks Preservation Commission has already approved these alterations. This transformation of the Flatiron Building reflects a broader trend in New York City, with office buildings being converted into residential spaces given the current demand for housing and the decline in the office market. The project breathes new life into an iconic structure while meeting the evolving needs of Manhattan’s real estate market.


このビルを住居に転用する噂は2023年から広まっています。開発業者が175 Fifth Ave.の転身のための非公開申請をしたことが最近公にされ、市の計画記録もその提出を確認しています。有名ブリティッシュ・ブックパブリッシャーのマクミランがフラットアイアンビルの最後の入居者であったが、2019年に建物を去り、ビルは主に空きスペースとなりました。




Flatiron House | Pet-Friendly Full-Floor Condominiums in NYC

ByMariusz Lewandowski

マリウシュ・レヴァンドフスキは、新技術とフィンテックの分野における著名な著者であり、思想的リーダーです。彼はハーバード大学でファイナンシャルテクノロジーの修士号を取得し、金融と最先端技術の交差点における専門知識を磨きました。マリウシュはテック業界で10年以上の経験があり、特にTchad Innovationsで数年間働き、業務を効率化し、ユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上させる革新的な金融ソリューションの開発において重要な役割を果たしました。彼の著作を通じて、マリウシュは複雑な技術の進歩を解明し、それが金融の風景に及ぼす影響を探求することを目指しています。彼の見解は数多くの業界刊行物に掲載されており、フィンテックコミュニティにおいて尊敬される声となっています。専門的な業績に加えて、彼は金融における技術の変革的な力について他者に教育することに情熱を注いでいます。